Java Objects & Classes : J ava is an Object-Oriented Language. As a language that has the Object-Oriented feature, Java supports the following fundamental concepts − Polymorphism Inheritance Encapsulation Abstraction Classes Objects Instance Method Message Passing Objects in JAVA : Everything in Java is associated with classes and objects, along with its attributes and methods . For example : in real life, a car is an object. The car has attributes, such as weight and color, and methods , such as drive and brake. A Class is like an object constructor, or a “blueprint” for creating objects. Classes in Java A class is a blueprint from which individual objects are created. public class Dog { String breed; int age; String color; void barking() { …. } void hungry() { …. } void sleeping() { …. } } Constructors One of the most important sub topic would be constructors. Every class has a constructor. If we do not exp...